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Best App for Engineer on Android and iOS

this unique MagicPlan application is the best solution for you. Is the leader in more than 60 countries in the world.With this app you will not need a measuring tool and it only takes a few moments and a smart device to get your card in less than a minute thanks to a set of sensors to convert the real design of the house into a map.

And in the latest version developed in these 2018 has been added several improved tools to allow you to complete your card drawing and professional tools have been

- The app supports two other languages: Spanish and Italian

- The version of the iPad 2 is available in high quality HD

- The map can be saved in PDF format and in size

- The ability to add notes on the map inside the machine

- Ability to modify the map displayed on the device

- Photos can be added to any corner of the map.

The application is free on iPhone, iPad, tablet and Android devices.