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"Green concrete" against global warming

A German researcher has developed a new type of concrete called "green concrete". This new concrete is mainly based on a new type of cement characterized by many advantages, from the point of view of the environment, compared to traditional cement known to man and on which it relies for decades. The new cement is manufactured in one of the main industrial facilities of the German Institute of Technology KIT in Karlsruhe. The new cement, named by the owner of "cement", is also manufactured in less calcareous quantities. Stimmerman. Since Stimmerman developed the method with the help of three colleagues after 15 years of preliminary research, companies and businessmen came to him from all sides.

The German Renewable Energy Transition Fund is contributing to this five million euro project as wind turbines used to produce electricity with wind energy still use large quantities of concrete.

Weimar Institute Director for the Science of Building Materials Horst-Michael-Ludwig believes that cement is the first of its kind since the invention of cement nearly 150 years ago and that cement and concrete have not yet been sufficiently researched, even though cement has become one of the most used materials in the world. Water "Concrete is simply a success, and the price per ton of production does not exceed 80 euros, which makes it uncompetitive."