Causes Of Pile Foundation Failure
Pile foundation support the structure, transfer the loads from the structure to the ground. However, the layer to which the foundation transfers the load must have an adequate bearing capacity and appropriate settlement characteristics.
One must take proper precautions before designing pile foundations so that the possibility of such failure reduces. Causes of failure of pile foundation are given below
1- Inaccurate determination of the bearing capacity of the pile.
2- When the pile load is greater than the design load.
3- Poor and defective workmanship while casting the pile.
4- Corrosion of the timber pile because of assault by insects.
5- Defective techniques used while driving the pile.
6- Bearing pile laying on delicate strata.
7- Buckling of the piles because of insufficient lateral support.
8- Faulty soil investigation.
9- Selecting the wrong type of pile.
10- Inappropriate characterization of soil.
11- Inadequate reinforcement in the pile.
12- A decay of piles. (like an attack of insects, corrosion etc.)
Types of pile
1- Based on material Used
2- Based on Mode of transfer of Load
3- Based on the method of installation
4- Based on Uses
5- Based on the displacement of soil
6- Under-reamed Pile