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What Is The Difference Between Nominal Mix And Design Mix?

What Is The Difference Between Nominal Mix And Design Mix?

1- When concrete is produced using standard arbitrary proportions of concrete ingredients, it is known as nominal mix concrete.

2- The nominal mixture is a mixture taking into account all the ratios in the volume where the strength and cost of concrete and the strength of concrete vary.

3- It is concrete of the prescriptive type.

4- It is used in ordinary concrete involving a quality of concrete not higher than M20.

5- There is no quality control.

6- The water-cement ratio is based on sustainability criteria, experience and practical tests.

7- The water content can be modified by the slump value (field test)

8- No trapped air content is taken into account.

9. The concept of test mixtures is mentioned.

Design Mix

1-It can be defined as the process of selecting the appropriate ingredients of concrete and determining their relative proportions in order to produce concrete of a certain minimum strength and durability in the most economical way.

2- The design mix is ​​a mix considering that the whole mix ratio is by weight where the strength of the concrete is a constant cost of the concrete which can be reduced.

3- It is concrete based on performance.

4- It is adopted for high quality concrete.

5- It has quality control.